Last Call, Bruno and More Pics!


If you haven’t already please let us know on the following items by this Friday, June 10th!!!

  • If you want fish for dinner on Saturday night and have not clicked on this form to make the request, please do so:
  • If you want a vegetarian option for your box lunch on Sunday, please e-mail Lisa at
  • If you would like to attend the wine tour on Sunday afternoon (extra cost – see Reunion Agenda page), please e-mail Lisa at We have about 30 people signed up so far, transportation will be provided.

Regarding Father Bruno, Andy has been in touch with him about his attendance. It sounds like he would love to attend, but he is need of sponsorship to cover cost of travel and accommodations while in Florence. If you or a group of you would like to sponsor Father Bruno, please e-mail Andy at andydwonch@gmail.comUPDATE: Bruno has indicated he may have a wedding that weekend, and likely will not attend. Big thank you those who have offered up support, we will no longer need it.

Lastly, Laura Beyer (Belknap) sent in some additional pics which have been posted to the Gallery section of our site. Check them out!! Thank you Laura!

See you all soon!


PS – If any of you procrastinators would still like to crash this party, do it!